Thursday, April 9, 2009

Under Advisement And Other News......

The lawsuit has been taken under advisement by a Judge who will decide whether or not this case should proceed.

News Flash! The two clients I drove BEFORE I went to CTG and after I left have ridden with other Chauffeurs when I am sick or have the day off!!!! Your argument that I "have a business" won't wash. The clients aren't MINE. They are people who pay whatever company I am working for. You will receive the receipts the clients paid, but that will also include who the Chauffeur was on that particular day.

The funniest moment had to be when Mr. Pazzaneze's lawyer told my lawyer that I "threw coffee on his town car at Logan Airport."

What's more embarrassing? You having to lie or the fact that you are now back to driving your own car again because you don't want to or can't afford to pay employees?

Trust me, if I threw coffee at a CTG vehicle, Mr. Pazzaneze would have called my employer so fast it's not even funny. Why the lies, Mike? Are you that worried? Maybe you should be worried since I am in the process of going through all 1100 jobs and figuring out the 50% of the base you supposedly paid me. Remember the agreement "we have"? The one you mentioned when you signed a deposition under penalty of perjury? The one that doesn't actually exist?

The President of the New England Livery Association is a liar. What type of man lies about women? Weak ones.

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